5 Ways to Stop Emotional Eating in Its Tracks
When it comes to emotional eating, in the moment, food appears to be the answer to your problems. When faced with stress or negative emotions, food can comfort you for awhile and push those feelings away. Unfortunately, this is a quick fix that doesn’t last. Those emotions that you push away start to push back, bubbling up to the surface perhaps stronger than before. This triggers your emotional eating and thus, the vicious cycle begins.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed by your emotional eating, if you feel out of control and stuck, then you need to discover new ways to fulfill your emotional needs. When you feel emotional fulfillment, you won’t need to turn to food to feel comfort.
Here are 5 ways that you can stop emotional eating in its tracks and meet your emotional needs in healthy ways.
find people who will support you
1. Build Connections
Find people who are a positive influence on you. Whether you let them know about your emotional eating is up to you, but just having a supportive network of people can be enough to ease the impulse to turn to food for comfort. Having a friend or loved one to turn to is comforting and actually fulfills your emotional needs more than food can. To put this into practice, make sure to schedule time with others into your week. This may mean a weekly phone call with a friend, going out for coffee or dinner with a group of people, or simply reaching out to a loved one and asking for encouragement when something stressful happens. Having these connections supports you emotionally, way more than food can!
2. Practice Self-Compassion
When emotional eating happens, the most common response is to feel guilty about it and beat yourself up over it. Withholding self-compassion will only keep you in the cycle of emotional eating. The only want to break the cycle is to practice more self-compassion. Treat yourself with kindness and face the situation with curiosity rather than criticism. When you do this, you can discover the hidden meaning behind your emotional eating, rather than continuing to beat yourself up and keep you on the emotional eating rollercoaster.
take time to unplug