Start Healing Now - 3 Tips For Being Kinder to Your Body

Four people jumping in the sunset at the beach.jpgFour people jumping in the sunset at the beach.jpg

So here we are halfway through 2020...

It’s 2020. The year of quarantine, cancel culture and mass protests. The last thing that would serve us is to belittle our bodies for the way they look. It’s time to stop suppressing our need for love and support ourselves. That other little voice that is constantly rearing its ugly head - telling us that this cookie will cause irreversible cellulite, or that one popsicle you shared with your kid will ruin bathing suit season is a learned one. Enough is enough!  I’m here to help support you. Here are some tools on how to work through that guilt and start enjoying the rest of your year. 

3 Tips for Healing Your Relationship With Your Body

1.   Look at What Your Body Has Done For You.

Let’s make a list, shall we? Bodies are incredible. Let’s focus on what they can, and not what they can’t.

  • They can get us from place to place

  • They heal us when we’re sick

  • They support us through challenging times

You don’t need to love the way your body looks, but let’s work on shifting your focus to honoring what your body has done to support you!

2.   Bring Self Compassion to the Parts You Don’t Like.

It’s time to treat yourself with some grace and kindness. Chances are if a friend was harsh on themselves, you would be kind and gentle . You would be compassionate.  Let’s speak to yourself that same way Here’s what I mean:

  • You: I really hate my legs right now!

  • Your internal rebuttal should be that of a kind friend: I know you aren’t happy with your legs. That must be really hard. I am so sorry that you feel that way”

This is a powerful way to start bringing in self compassion into your inner thoughts. You’ll have to practice this - as we’re our own biggest critics! 

3.   What Do You Love (like or even tolerate) About Your Body?

We’re always making a list of things we want to change before swimsuit season, the next big vacation, or a special occasion. Let’s flip that narrative. Make a list of things you do love about yourself. 

  • I love my green eyes. They’re just like my Grandma’s!

  • My feet are great because...

  • I have the best haircut right now!

By focussing on the positive, you’ll start to see a shift in your attitude. When you catch yourself wishing you had smaller thighs or longer lashes - try to turn that around instantly with a positive attribute instead. 

These tools will help you to start thinking differently about the way you see your body. Remember, you only have one body, so let’s start appreciating it!

For more tools to support your relationship with food get my free emotional eating toolkit HERE! You can also find me on Instagram. Reach out if there is anything I can do to support you on your journey!


3 Steps to Stop Hurting Yourself with Food


The Myth of the Diet and Emotional Eating